2005年。アメリカの全国紙「USA TODAY」は、アメリカ国防総省(ペンタゴン)が3億ドル(おおよそ360億円)を投入し、同盟国を含む外国のマスメディア(注:日本のマスメディアが含まれているかどうかについては、この記事には明示されていない)をも標的にしたプロパガンダ作戦を行っている、と報じた。
☆Pentagon rolls out stealth PR
(米紙「USA TODAY」。Updated 12/15/2005 9:01 PM)
WASHINGTON ― A $300 million Pentagon psychological warfare operation includes plans for placing pro-American messages in foreign media outlets without disclosing the U.S. government as the source, one of the military officials in charge of the program says.
Run by psychological warfare experts at the U.S. Special Operations Command, the media campaign is being designed to counter terrorist ideology and sway foreign audiences to support American policies. The military wants to fight the information war against al-Qaeda through newspapers, websites, radio, television and "novelty items" such as T- shirts and bumper stickers.