An attack on a bar in the French capital, Paris, has caused several casualties, French media report.
BREAKING: Police: Explosion in a bar near Paris stadium, unclear if any hurt.
— The Associated Press (@AP) 2015, 11月 13
[芸能]真木よう子、痩せた?「ガリガリ」「痩せすぎ」と心配の声 https://t.co/1sqFp4tYvO pic.twitter.com/04P8z7BcN8
— シネマトゥデイ (@cinematoday) 2015, 11月 13
Top Chinese military official arrives in Islamabad https://t.co/rM6UOeqKky pic.twitter.com/rQLXYjhjpe
— The Express Tribune (@etribune) 2015, 11月 12