


レソト王国(レソトおうこく、ソト語: Mmuso wa Lesotho、英語: Kingdom of Lesotho)、通称レソトは、アフリカ南部に位置する立憲君主制国家で、イギリス連邦加盟国である。周囲を南アフリカ共和国に囲まれた、世界最南の内陸国である。首都はマセル。1966年にイギリスから独立した。非同盟中立を宣言している。『レソト』は『ソト語を話す人々』という意味。

☆Solar power can be people’s power



The solar garden

But what about people who don’t have a piece of land or a suitable roof to put solar panels on? And what about the majority who can’t afford to?

In the USA, an alternative concept that may provide one answer to this dilemma is emerging. It’s called the solar garden and the idea is really quite simple. Members of a community club together to fund a solar project on a suitable piece of land in their area. The solar garden is built to suit their requirements and once it feeds electricity into the grid, they are credited for their contribution on their electricity bill.