


☆鉄柵設置が完了 普天間基地野嵩ゲート (琉球新報)











アパルトヘイト・ウォール(Israel's apartheid wall)。
隔離壁・分離壁などとも呼ばれる。イスラエルが「テロリストのイスラエルへの侵入を防ぐため」と称してヨルダン川西岸地区に建設中の壁。Israel's Separation WallともIsraeli West Bank barrierとも表記される。

☆Israeli West Bank barrier (英文ウィキペディア)


The Israeli West Bank barrier is a separation barrier being
constructed by the State of Israel. It consists of a network made
mostly of fences with vehicle-barrier trenches surrounded by an on
average 60 meter wide exclusion area (90%). In some areas the barrier
is an 8 meter tall concrete wall. (10%).

☆Israeli separation barrier cuts family from village - 08 Nov 09


Hani Amer, a Palestinian resident of the West Bank village of Mas'ha,
must pass through padlocks, fences and two gates to get from his home
on one side to any other part of town.

Israel's separation barrier has cut off Amer's home from those of his
neighbours and the view of his village has been replaced by the wall.

Israel says it built the wall to protect its citizens from Palestinian
attacks, but Amer, who lives on the same side as Israeli settlers in
the West Bank, says it is his family that needs protection.

☆Anti-Wall protest in West Bank (アルジャジーラ)


Hundreds of Palestinians and international activists have been
protesting against the construction of Israel's separation wall in the
West Bank.

The demonstration in the village of Bi'lin on Friday marked five years
of opposition to the barrier, which cuts Palestinian villagers off
from about two square kilometres of their land.



Australians for Palestine and Women for Palestine present images of
Israel's apartheid Wall which graphically show the devastating effects
it has on Palestinian society as it snakes its way through the
Israeli-occupied West Bank to ultimately entrap the entire Palestinian

This video has been created by Sonja Karkar for Australians for
Palestine and Women for Palestine using photos taken by Sonja herself,
as well as many others taken by photographers on the ground. The music
"Awaiting "Bayya' el khawatem" is an improvisation by The Oriental
Music Ensemble comprised of the Oriental music department teachers at
the National Conservatory of Music, Birzeit University, Palestine.