


☆中国艦船が照射と米も「確信」 日本発表を全面支持







QUESTION: Yeah. Since the radar lock-on issue occurred between the Chinese ship locking on its fire-controlled radar on the Japanese ship, the Chinese Government response has been that they – it is a part of a so-called propaganda war by Japan– that they did not do this, and that in fact their ship had its – was locked onto their Chinese ship. They also apparently released some elaborate evidence of this, which seems to be a forgery.

My question is: The Japanese Government has said this is completely inappropriate and is demanding an apology. What is the position of the U.S. on this?

MS. NULAND: Well, with regard to the incident, we were briefed by our Japanese allies on the incident and we’ve satisfied ourselves that it does appear to have happened. As you know, I said at the time that we have been quite clear about our concern with regard to this with our Chinese interlocutors.

QUESTION: Well, earlier, if I can follow up, earlier, Secretary Clinton issued a kind of a warning, saying that the Chinese side should do nothing to hamper or to undermine the Japanese administration of the Senkakus. Does this warning carry over now to the Secretary Kerry’s time in office?

MS. NULAND: It does indeed, and let me say it again: We urge all parties to avoid actions that could raise tensions or result in miscalculation that would undermine peace, security, and economic growth of this vital part of the world.




レーダーをロックオンしたかとかなんとか、「今までロックオンされたことないのか」を報道していません。私が自衛隊にいた頃、自衛隊機がソ連機から「ロックオン」どころか、機銃を向けられても騒ぎになったことはありませんでした。日本のミサイル基地からは適当にロックオンをやったりもしていました。全然大したことではないのです。 まったく大したことではないのに芝居をやっている。
