投稿日:2014/10/28(火) 05:18:33.17 ID:GtZ+Pevu0.net
On Sept. 18, photographer Daniel Berehulak and
New York Times’ correspondent Norimitsu Onishi
were following a body collection and burial team in
Monrovia, Liberia, when they visited the home of a
woman who had contracted the Ebola virus and died
surrounded by her family. “I went inside the house
and saw physical proof of Ebola ? blood around the victim’s
mouth and on the sheets,” Berehulak tells TIME. “Meanwhile,
Nori was outside talking to the family and the community.
They all claimed Ebola had nothing to do with it.”
396 名前:名無しさん@0新周年@\(^o^)/
投稿日:2014/10/28(火) 05:25:56.67 ID:mpLaChNM0.net
a body collection and burial team